Welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by!
This site focuses primarily on my life as an artist, specifically an abstract one, working in the mediums of printmaking and collage. My life as a graphic designer does not lend itself to taking big risks and pushing boundaries creatively, but art does. My two lives—as a designer and an artist—do feed off each other though, hopefully making me better at both.
In many ways I feel like my journey is just beginning, but honestly, I’ve been on this path—honing my skills in the visual arts—for quite some time. I bought a B&W darkroom with money from a summer job that I set up in my childhood home; was introduced to graphic design in high school that set me off on a path in the commercial arts; I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design. I’ve made my living as a designer (kelleyalbertdesign.com) ever since. But fine art has always held a special place in my heart. In DC, I spent my weekends selling my collages through outdoor street festivals and juried art shows. In Newport, RI, I learned (and fell in love with) printmaking at the museum across the street. Here in Raleigh, I picked up my camera again, shooting everyday objects for stock agencies, and shooting cities and towns across North Carolina for my blog, kelley-in-carolina.
With every tool I pick up, with every medium I explore, and with every assignment I take on, they all have a few things in common. They teach me something new and they sharpen my sense of color and space—all while keeping me challenged, curious and engaged.
You can find me elsewhere on the web, just check out the "Contact" page for more information.

[ Resume below is available (and downloadable ) for those who wish to keep this on file. ]